The LobauBleibt movement is alive and is getting stronger and stronger!
The municipality of Vienna threatened activists, residents, scientists and artists with million-euro lawsuits. It cleared occupied construction sites and tried to manipulate the public opinion with advertising campaigns. But that doesn’t stop us from continuing to fight against the “city highway” and “Lobau highway” and for a socially and climate-just mobility transition. We won’t let it get us down!
In the action week from May 22 – 29, we will initiate a new phase of protest and thus another summer of resistance. From young to old, from students to workers, whether experienced in protesting or completely new in the Lobau movement: everyone should be able to participate. Our protest forms and tactics are colorful and diverse, often practice-oriented, sometimes intellectually challenging, sometimes artistic as well as athletic, our discussions often controversial. We try to be inclusive, which we sometimes do better and sometimes do worse. Just as diverse as our protest are the people behind the Lobau movement. All of this we will bundle up in the big LobauBleibt action week, the next peak of our protest. We are quite sure: th
It starts on May 22 with the Climate Camp, which this year takes place for a whole week at the Lobau Camp. The climate camp is a place for networking of different emancipatory groups – from food sovereignty to queer feminism to anti-fascism. It promotes understanding of commonalities and differences. The climate camp is also a place to try out innovative, sustainable and grassroots ways of living. It is meant to inspire people and make “The Good Life for All” tangible. Last but not least, the Climate Camp is a place for continuing education. A broad workshop program as well as various summer schools sensitize, inform and inspire people for topics around climate justice. The movement at the Climate Camp learns from each other and with each other and thus becomes more resistant, stronger and more quick-witted.
On May 25, we will block the construction of the “city highway” together in a mass action of civil disobedience. We will not stand by while profits and corporate interests are put before climate-just policies! In view of the urgency of the climate crisis, we consider it necessary and appropriate to continue to block with our bodies the destruction and outdated policy of the Viennese SPÖ. On the following pages you will find all kinds of details on how to prepare for the action (information events, action trainings, legal workshops, etc.).
On May 28, at the “Landesparteitag” (regional party congress), the Viennese SPÖ will vote on a motion against the construction of the “city highway”. This day, the Viennese SPÖ can decide against the “city highway” and for social mobility for everyone. Therefore, we mobilize together with a broad alliance for a big demonstration in front of the SPÖ party congress. Let’s take to the streets in thousands and put pressure on the SPÖ to overturn the project!